"TACKLING CORRUPTION IN SPORT: towards a robust private-public alliance based on the UNCAC Resolution 7/8. The Italian scenario"
19 APRIL 2018 - ROME
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"PROTECTED REPORTING SYSTEMS: a key-leverage to contrast match-fixing and organized crime infiltration into the sport market"
27/28th SEPTEMBER 2017 - ROME

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"MATCH FIXING: a key issue for sports integrity"
Palazzo Marino, Sala Alessi
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The public events:
- 17/18th February 2016 - Bruxelles - “Developing European initiatives to fight match-fixing”
- 25th May 2016 - Roma - “Forum PA” - “Le sinergie pubblico-privato nella lotta alla manipolazione dei risultati sportivi”
- 23rd August 2016 - Vienna - “Launch of UNODC-ICSS Resource Guide on Good Practices in the investigation of Match-Fixing”
- 20/21st September 2016 - Strasburgo - “International Conference on the fight against the manipulation of sports competitions - Promotion and implementation of the Macolin Convention”
- 8/9th November 2016 - Atene - KCOOS Regional Seminar
- 14th November 2016 - Londra - World Rugby Sport Integrity Forum
- 16th November 2016 - Losanna - Working Group III - Protecting the Integrity of Sport - Preparatory meeting for MINEPS VI
- 29th November 2016 - Budapest - EU Conference of Ministers responsible for Sport
- 7/8th December 2016 - Ginevra - Sports Integrity Conference- International Sports Convention
- 24th January 2017 - Milano - “Rischi di corruzione sociale nello sport: match-fixing e altri risvolti (Correlazione con il Codice Etico dello Sport di Milano + grass-root sports)”
- 30/31st gennaio 2017 - Londra - SIGA Integrity forum and General Assembly
- 15th February 2017 - Losanna - IOC Integrity Meeting
- April 2017 - Bangkok - INTERPOOL MEETING
- 9th June 2017 - Palermo - Camera di Commercio - Lancio della piattaforma anonima di segnalazione
- 21st June 2017 - Milano - ASAG Università Cattolica - Presentazione piattaforma anonima di segnalazione
- 6th July 2017 - Roma Launch of the protected reporting system
- 13 /15th July 2017 - Kazan - MINEPS IV
- 27/28th September 2017 - Roma - “Protected Reporting Systems: a key-leverage to contrast match-fixing and organized crime infiltration into the sport market”
- 10th October 2017 - Bruxelles - UNIONCAMERE EUROPA